
In a Heartbeat.

The internet is a wonderful place and I’ve recently stumbled upon this heartbreaking and then amazing little animated short film.

It is called – as the clever among you might have guesses – In a Heartbeat. It was created by Beth David and Esteban Bravo. It is short so I wont tell you more other than enjoy.

A Kingdom by the Sea.

So apparently today is World Poetry Day and I feel like sharing some poetry. I’m currently listening to Shipwrecked Comedey’s podcast where they’re talking about Edgar Allen Poe’s Murder Mystery Dinner Party, so I thought: Hey, Edgar Allen Poe wrote poems. Let’s see if I can find one from him I like enough to share with the world.  Continue reading


I’ve talked a little about Strangers – one of my favourite podcasts – before and now I’m going to talk about it again.

I’ve recently been part of a PhD study where I’ve kept a “Podcast Diary”. Keeping said diary was fun and really made me think even more about the different podcast I listen to. So now I feel the absence of writing those diary entries, therefore I shall share som thoughts with you all.

Strangers has once again caught my fancy with another mini series. The last one was on host Lea Thau’s love life and this newest one was on one woman’s decision to give one of her kidneys to a complete stranger. The first mini series I really connected with Lea’s story and this second one has made me think a lot about what we do to be generous people and how we perceive other people’s way of giving back.  Continue reading


Beautiful little fools.

Some might think this post will be about The Great Gatsby based on the headline, but I have not read the book or even seen one of the many adoptions. No, this is about the fools in Michael Kvium’s exhibit at ARoS, which ended last week. I wanted to go, so I convinced my mom to join me a couple of hours of wandering the museum.

2015-02-11 11.58.28We immediately sought out the Fools exhibit which did not disappoint. The series of 200 paintings – all in the size of 30 x 30 – was started in the early 90’s and is a series that the artist is still working on expanding to this day. Continue reading

Bundle up.

Autumn is well and truly here. The mornings and evenings are getting progressively colder and darker and I’m spending more time drinking tea and sitting under blankets that almost anything else. I’m also listening to hours on end of podcasts and audio books.

I’ve been bingelistening to all the shows from Radiotopia in honor of their Kickstarter – which is still up. Recently I’ve been most captivated by Love + Radio since it is so delightfully odd and unlike anything you will ever hear. Many of the shows are unique and offers a great perspective on life.

I’ve also been really taken by Stranges latest run of Love Hurts where talks about why she is still single. She goes back and interviews a couple of people who she turned down, talks about her past love life, gets advice from the “professionals” and interviews a guy she turned down. These episodes are raw and it hurts a little to listen to them, but they are so real and filled with emotions that you can’t help but love them. At least I couldn’t. But I really can’t recommend all of Radiotopia’s show too much.

Try 99% Invisible which is the anchor show and the one that really got me into podcasts. It is a podcast about design or at least the design that goes into everything surrounding us. It is addicting and I love that we are currently getting weekly episodes.All the shows in Radiotopia tackle different aspects of life, so even if you don’t like one you will come to like one of the others. I’m sure.


By the rivers dark I wandered on.

Another season another playlist. This time I’ve already linked and recommended songs by my fellow autumn playlist lovers; Diana, Peter and Gro the other day, but they are well worth another listen. Once you’ve finished with my list that is.

Autumn songs are hard to desribe, because on one side they are melancholic and filled with sadness and heartbreak yet on the other hand they also warm your soul during the cold and windy afternoons where you fall in love with sipping hot chocolate under a blanket. Autumn songs are filled with pain and hope. At least to me, but this list will feature sad love songs more than anything else. Autumn as a season has many moods and is very diverse and I think my list might capture that, but I’m a little biased.

I’ll be honest, I could just make a list with on Leonard Cohen songs on and call it a day. He is my all time go to for autumn songs. Or songs in general. But since to some people it would seem excessive to only list Leonard Cohen songs, I’ve limited myself to one song – not an easy task by the way. Also not an easy task was finding which song from The Beatles to include, but I did it!

As always this list may look different if I were to make it a week from now – which I wont, so this is sort of final.  Continue reading


In the summertime.

And we are at it again. My crazy and extra very lovely friends and I are once again counting down our favourite songs of what-ever-theme-we-like-but-mostly-songs-we-relate-to-a-season playlist. The reason I’m making my list to day of all days is because this is because Gro posted her list Monday, which Peter followed up by posting  Tuesday and Diana posted  yesterday, so I figured I should get my ass in gear and post my list today.

The calendar says summer as does the weather – just not today of all days, but what can you do. It is not summertime in Denmark without the occasional summer thunderstorm – so I am already in a summertime mood. So without much ado, except the usual: This is a snapshot of my idea of summer at this moment in time. On with the show! Continue reading


Life is a cabaret.

So Gro was in doubt as to if I would be able to make a countdown of songs from musicals, and in some ways I understand that confusion. I don’t particularity watch musicals with the same fever as Gro, Peter and Diana, but it turns out I actually own 12½ musicals myself. I’m counting I’m Not There as half a musical, since it is very few songs that are actually sung by the actors.

Seeing has I have 12 musicals I decided to make a list of my favourite song from each of those 12 movies. That is not to say I don’t have other favourite musical numbers from other of my favourite musicals, so after the 12 songs from my 12 musicals I’ll mention a few others that would have made the list if I had owned those movies. Wow, that is one long sentence, but I hope it makes sense.

Continue reading

The Queen of saying too much.

This year I want to read as many books as I can manage and still be a functioning member of society, therefore I have started a book club. By myself. So basically I read books and think about them, so nothing out of the ordinary, except I will now share my opinion with the rest of the world and not just the people unfortunate enough to be close by. I won’t necessarily call it a review, but basically it is a review.

Still a pretty awesome cover.

The first book I read this year was Let’s Pretend This Never Happened (A Mostly True Memoir) by Jenny Lawson also known as The Bloggess. I’ve been meaning to read it ever since Trine showed me the story of Beyoncé the Giant Metal Chicken and I instantly fell in love with Jenny and her writing. So while I was in a book store – because why wouldn’t I be in a book store – I saw her book at random and I had to buy it. I’m a little sad that said book store didn’t have the cover with Hamlet von Schnitzel, but you can win every battle. Continue reading